Law Offices of Tilak Gupta

(626) 566-7875

Our Results

In cases where Mr. Gupta was involved on a day-to-day basis for the entirety of the case (from the time a client was retained until resolution of the matter), Mr. Gupta has helped clients obtain over $10,000,000 in settlements.  These results are listed below in descending order by total value of the legal settlements.


$ 3,000,000 Single Plaintiff FEHA race/CFRA claim settlement; five-figure wage loss.

$950,000 Settlement of FEHA age/disability claim

$815,000 Cancer discrim/prelit

$ 750,000 Settlement on disability/FMLA termination claim

$750,000 Settlement race discrimination/retaliation

$ 600,000 Settlement on FEHA retaliation settlement

$475,000 Settlement of disability discrim/medical leave retaliation claim [prelit]

$450,000 Settlement on disability/FMLA termination case

$ 350,000 Settlement on cancer discrim claim

$ 350,000 Prelit FEHA

$ 325,000 Settlement on. FEHA disability claim

$ 300,000 Settlement on FEHA retaliation settlement

$270,000 Settlement on FEHA claim

$250,000 Pre-litigation settlement sexual harassment & discrimination

$175,000 Pre-lit settlement on FEHA claim

$169,000  Gender discrim pre-lit settlement

$150,000 Race and disability settlement

$100,000 Wrongful termination whistleblower claim pre-lit settlement